Hungary has seven regions, one of which is the Central-Transdanubian region occupying 11 117 km2 in the central part of Transdanubia. This is a really diverse region of the country, this is the cradle of the more than thousand years old Hungarian state. The region includes three counties: Fejér, Komárom-Esztergom and Veszprém. The total population was 1,063 million people in 2015.
The geographical characteristic of the region is mostly defined by the Transdanubian mountains but there are also lowland areas. The most important surface waters are the two main lakes: Balaton Velencei-tó and the river Danube. Important railways, roads and highways cross and navigable river segments define the area.
11 percent of the country’s population live in the Central-Transdanubian region, meaning more than 1.1 million people, of which 426 thousand live in Fejér county. The population in the region is decreasing. The main factors behind this are the natural population loss and negative migration (mostly to Western Europe).
Central Transdanubia is basically the third most developed region in Hungary. The middle west part of Hungary is one of the best performing area of the country. Mostly automotive suppliers can be found here, but developed, quality ICT and other companies are also established in the region. The economy is driven by the high amount of the FDI, the main economic sectors are the machinery, food and chemical industry, IT. The economic and the employment system of the region were heavily affected by the economic crisis, but in the past years the economy has recovered from the shock. Now the region has one of the best employment statistics in Hungary and the focus point of the FDI are not just the assembly activities but the R&D&I as well.
More than 80% of the total area of the region is rural area. It’s rural settlement network can be characterized by a high amount of small villages (under 500 inhabitants) in the mountainous part and traditional medium sized agricultural villages on the plain part (south of the region). The two-fold geographical character determines the rural activities as well. The plain part is famous for growing plants (mostly cereals), while the upper part is on livestock breeding. Additionally the rural economy has a strong leg on crafts (wood, stone, textile, leather) and viticulture (8 historical wine regions of 22). The rural character is strengthened by the rural tourism.
Among the three counties forming the region, leading role is played by Fejér county, which produces 40 percent of regional GDP. From the viewpoint of size and population, the county is ranked in the middle of the country scoreboard, but due to its location on the line connecting western areas and on Budapest-Székesfehérvár-Balaton axis it plays economically important role. Industrial activity is decisive in the economic structure of the county.